Tuesday 21 April 2020

I read, therefore I am....

There was never a leader in any field of law, politics or business who did not improve him or herself by reading. Sure, Genghis Khan was illiterate at the outset of his career. Then, he invaded China – and found the natives reading and writing. Next thing, he had hired himself a personal tutor. Abraham Lincoln’s political career began after he ploughed through a pile of law books. HG Wells spurned his family's many attempts to turn him into a respectable shop assistant. Eventually, he won a scholarship to train as a teacher….and the rest is science fiction….I can’t stand it any longer, these television journalists showcasing their vast reading collections – I feel obliged to add my own version of bookcase chic – and cheek! So, get an eyeful of my collection of history, art, philosophy, psychology, mythology, literature, poetry, drama, fiction, biography, critical theory….books….

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